

生产厂商: 迪阳公司代理 产品型号: VME64x
产品简介: vme850分析仪/器支持最新的VME总线协议规范。从标准的VME总线传输2esst协议。此外,VME总线,用户定义的信号在P0和P2连接器进行锻炼的可选插件模块

Silicon Control introduces the ultimate analyzer and exerciser for VME and VME64x systems. This 4th generation VME analyzer combines high performance hardware with a sophisticated and intuitive software interface. The result is a powerful diagnostic tool for bus analysis all on a single plug-in card.

The VME850 Analyzer / Exerciser supports the latest VME bus specifications and protocols. From standard VME transfers to 2eSST protocol. In addition to the VME bus, user defined signals on the P0 and P2 connectors are also analyzed and exercised with optional plug-in modules.

State and timing analysis feature large high speed trace buffers and sophisticated triggering. Transaction and waveform displays provide a clear view of captured bus activity.

Measurements of system performance include Bus Utilization, Transfer Rates and Statistics. As data is acquired the Min, Max and Average values are updated and displayed in graphical form.

Exerciser functions include reading, writing, testing and comparing memory. Stimulus generation provides the ability to simulate hardware, inject faults and modify timing as well as drive any bus signal directly. A built-in backplane test checks for shorts and the ability to drive every signal.

Anomaly detection of protocol and timing violations automatically screen for violations to the bus specification. Anomalies are included in the state display and trigger specifications.

Our AnalyzeIt software package provides an easy to use and intuitive GUI interface that operates under Windows 9x, ME, NT and 2000. For custom application our API software enables users to control the analyzer directly through C library calls. For non-Windows users, a built in terminal interface is available.

If you need to debug, integrate or test a VME system or component, the VME850 family of advanced bus analyzers quickly and accurately pinpoints problems, identifies performance issues and tests for compliance.


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