

二路独立可编程通道,频率范围:300KHz~~300MHz,分辨率:14位,精度:-/+ 0.02% ,比SYNTH300增加了一个高稳定声表面振荡器。
生产厂商: 迪阳公司代理 产品型号: SYNTH300-TRIG-HS
产品简介: 二路独立可编程通道,频率范围:300KHz~~300MHz,分辨率:14位,精度:-/+ 0.02% ,比SYNTH300增加了一个高稳定声表面振荡器。


These devices provide two synchronized DDS-based RF channels on a single PCI card. With fine frequency and phase control, triggered operation, and the ability to accept an external clock, the Synth300 products enable a number of advanced applications at a fraction of the cost of conventional equipment. In addition to two analog outputs, the product can be ordered with one (or two) LVDS outputs for programmable digital clock applications, and can be configured for control by externally supplied TTL signals for low-latency triggered operation such as PSK, FSK, and triggered sweep operation.

Software support for Windows Vista, Windows XP, Linux and Labview source code available

For detailed specifications, please refer to the Synth300_Manual

Similar capability to Synth300-TRIG, but incorporates a SAW-stabilized on-board oscillator for improved phase noise performance. Board does NOT accept an external clock, but instead provides 1GHz reference output for slaving other boards or external equipment


  • Phase coherent dual channel 300KHz-300MHz synthesizer
  • TTL inputs allow real-time switching between up to four preset phase/frequency profiles
  • Phase/Frequency modulation, triggered quadrature sweeping etc.
  • Optional external clock input/output
  • Model Synth300-TRIG-HS is similar to the Synth300-TRIG model, but incorporates a high stability SAW stabilized oscillator


Number of Channels: 2, Independently Programmable
Output Voltage: (Into 50 Ohms)
220mV RMS +/-10% from 2-200MHz
220mV RMS +/-20% from 300kHz-300MHz
Output Impedance: 50 ohms || 10pF
Frequency Step Size: ~0.233Hz
Frequency Range: 300KHz - 300MHz
Frequency Accuracy: +/-0.02% of specified frequency +/-0.233Hz
Phase Resolution: 14-bits

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