

总采样率400MHz/s ,最多512个通道,每通道采样:2.5MHz/s.
生产厂商: 迪阳公司代理 产品型号: DDR2001
产品简介: 总采样率400MHz/s ,最多512个通道,每通道采样:2.5MHz/s.
The DDR2001 rackmount digital data recorder, from DaqScribe Solutions, provides accurate high speed data acquisition for the most demanding applications. Ideally suited for large channel count, high frequency, or transient applications, the DDR2001 is a powerful data recorder which is both easy to use and simple to configure. Supplied with powerful software which allows users to efficiently manage their test data, the DDR2001 is available with a wide range of signal conditioning options to fulfill the most demanding data acquisition challenges.
The DDR2001 can be configured with a full complement of PCI based data acquisition hardware, providing users with solutions tailored to their specific needs. Removable high capacity hard drives are used to store the high speed data and can be hot-swapped to extend recording duration in the field.
Sampling timing can be provided by either an internal programmable clock (which can also be used as an output to synchronize external equipment), or an external sampling clock.





  • Rackmount Solution recording at up to 400 MBytes / sec
  • Supports up to 512 channels of analog input
  • User programmable simultaneous sampling up to 2.5MHz / channel
  • Programmable gain and filter
  • IRIG or GPS time stamping
  • Removable large capacity disk-based RAID storage
  • Extensive signal conditioning options
  • Network based control, storage, and data access
  • Windows-based software options
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