
32位, 50 MHz 数字输出卡

生产厂商: 迪阳公司代理 产品型号: CompuGen3250
产品简介: 暂时没有

Digital design always involves testing the response of the circuit to a set of predefined inputs or test vectors. Most engineers have to build small wire-wrapped cards, or "kludges," which generate these test vectors.

Not only is this method cumbersome and prone to human error, it also does not provide enough flexibility to test digital systems, such as microprocessors, which need non-repetitive test vectors.

With the advent of instruments like CompuGen 3250, these "kludges" are a thing of the past, as even the most complex test vectors can be generated in a matter of minutes by simply typing them out on an IBM PC.

  • 32 Bit Digital Output
  • 50 MHz Clock Rate
  • Up to 8 Meg x 32 On-Board Pattern Memory
  • Crystal-Based Clock Source
  • One-Shot, Multi-Shot or Endless Looping of Digital Patterns
  • Up to 256 Bit Output Using an 8 Card Master/Slave System
  • Free GageBit Software Allows Creating and Editing of Digital Patterns
  • Software Development Kits for C/C++, MATLAB and LabVIEW
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