

生产厂商: 迪阳公代理 产品型号: CS3200
产品简介: 100MHz时钟,最大板载内存2G,二次开发。

CompuScope 3200 is a PCI bus based product which allows the user to capture up to 32 bits of CMOS or ECL digital data into on-board memory at clock rates up to 100 MHz. The inputs can be set at the factory to be either differential or single-ended.

CS3200 can also be configured, in software, to be either 8, 16 or 32 bits wide, thereby allowing the user to maximize the use of storage memory for 8 or 16 bit inputs.

Multiple CompuScope 3200 boards can be used in Master/Slave configuration to provide wider input words of 64, 96 or 128 bits.

  • Capture 32 Bit of Digital Data
  • 100 MHz Clock Rates
  • Software Configurable to provide 8, 16, or 32 Bits
  • Now Available!
    Up to 2 GB of On-Board Acquisition Memory
  • Multi-Card Systems providing wider input words of 64, 96, or 128 Bits
  • CMOS or ECL/PECL data inputs
  • 6 foot pleated foil cable included
  • Software Development Kits for C/C++, MATLAB, LabVIEW under Windows 98/ME and Windows NT/2000/XP
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